The legality of the wood origin is approved in accordance with the certificating mechanism of the domestically-made wood promoted by Forestry Bureau.
The overall image focuses on the concept of MIT wood. The circle symbolizes concept of sustainability in the forests of Taiwan. The style of the upward developing branches symbolizes the extensive effects of the wood of Taiwan. The planned process from planting, carbon fixation, thinning, to the processed making into Taiwanese wood furniture puts carbon fixation into practice in the urban life. Therefore, the mark features sustainability (circle). The extended branches from the trunk display the grand crisscrossing network, which invites a discussion on the mutual reliance and profits between “forest” and “cities.” The purchase of the products with this mark means an eco-friendly consuming action. The certified mechanism can literally be applied to trace such nature-damaging behavior as illegal wood poaching to guarantee the consumer right.
主辦單位: 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 技術組 聯絡資訊: 049-2334141轉135林小姐、134王小姐 […]
串聯供、需兩端資訊 「臺灣原生樹木推廣及媒合平臺」上線
新聞來源:農傳媒 文/游 昇俯 臺灣原生樹木適應本地氣候,對病蟲害抵抗力更強,園藝景觀樹種選擇以原生樹木最好。由於園藝界培育原生苗木銷售對象、景觀界想種原生樹木要找誰買,以往一直缺乏資訊流通,農委會林務局建置完成「臺灣原生樹木推廣及媒合平臺」,除了有景觀原生樹木資料庫提供查詢,還可供苗木培育者上架苗木資訊「找買家」,需要苗木者刊登需求「找賣方」,有效媒合供應端及需求端。 [...]
國產材臺灣館「築carbon」12/8登場臺北國際建材展 負碳木竹材 構築淨零碳排的永續綠未來
2022年台北國際建築建材暨產品展將在本周(12/8-11)於台北南港展覽館1館4樓登場,林務局第六度推出國家館參與,本屆以「築carbon」為主題,聯手臺灣大學實驗林管理處、多家木竹材製品業者及7所大學的木竹材加工研發技術,以國產木、竹材打造並呈現林間意象,讓大家能以在林間漫步的輕鬆心情,參觀「國產材臺灣館」。 […]